When ever I unplug my MacBook from an external monitor, Expose stops working. The solution to this problem is to kill "Dock" application. To make it easier, I have created a script which allows you to do the same.
set app_name to "/System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/MacOS/Dock"
set the_pid to (do shell script "ps ax | grep " & (quoted form of app_name) & " | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'")
display dialog "Killingn the application Dock with PID:" & the_pid
if the_pid is not "" then do shell script ("kill -9 " & the_pid)
Copy following lines of code into text editor and copy under $HOME/Library/Scripts/killdock.scpt. Now you can see the script listed under scripts as an shortcut. You can see "kill dock" listed at the end.
Does Internet Speed check varies based on the browser
I wanted to see whether browser makes different while checking the speed of the internet. I did speed check test using speedtest.net and four different browser and surprisingly all of them gave different results.
1: Safari Version 4.0.3 (5531.9)
Download Speed: 17.16 Mb/s
Upload speed: 4.08 Mb/s
2. Firefox Version 3.6 (rv:1.9.2 Gecko 20100105)
Download Speed:15.84 Mb/s
Upload Speed:4.25 Mb/s
3. Chrome Version (31780)
Download Speed:15.47 Mb/s
Upload Speed:2.17 Mb/s
4. Chrome Version
Download speed: 17.65 Mb/s
Upload speed: 3.98 Mb/s
1: Safari Version 4.0.3 (5531.9)
Download Speed: 17.16 Mb/s
Upload speed: 4.08 Mb/s
2. Firefox Version 3.6 (rv:1.9.2 Gecko 20100105)
Download Speed:15.84 Mb/s
Upload Speed:4.25 Mb/s
3. Chrome Version (31780)
Download Speed:15.47 Mb/s
Upload Speed:2.17 Mb/s
4. Chrome Version
Download speed: 17.65 Mb/s
Upload speed: 3.98 Mb/s